Salam AlaikTerima kasih kepada Jube' aka Safwan sebab memberi aku informasi tentang lagu ini... Agak menarik liriknya... Menyentuh hal-hal realiti berkaitan melayu...
Tetapi, lagu-lagu atau ucapan yang menyentuh hal-hal melayu sering mendapat cemuhan dan juga sokongan... Kalau yang mencemuh, mereka mengatakan bahawa ucapan/lagu ini hanya membuka pekung di dada... Kalau yang menyokong pula menyatakan lagu seperti ini penting dalam menaikkan semangat bangsa...
Aku pula malas nak menyokong mana-mana pihak sebab keduanya benar... Aku selalu jga memikirkan hal-hal berkaitan bangsaku ini... Dengan perpecahan disebabkan politik, masalah so-sial, Rempit, kutuk-mengutuk, realiti TV dsb... Tetapi harus juga dilihat dari aspek positif, yang mana Melayu jugalah yang (masih dan akan) memimpin negara ini, walaupun sumbangannya terhadap bangsa masih belum jelas dan nyata... Melayu jugalah yang menjadi angkasawan pertama, dan melayu jugalah yang sering menjadi johan tilawah al-quran antarabangsa... Tetapi, melayu juga yang menciptakan peribahasa, kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga... Jadi, Sebab masalah-masalh yang aku sebutkan tadi, semua melayu mendapat nama... Tetapi, nila bukanlah setitik, sebotol agaknya...
Ok la, malas nak mencarut panjang,... Layan je la...
Layu by Malique n Dr.M...
malique ft. Dr. M
Dr.M: Sesungguhnya tidak ada yang lebih menyayat, selain dari melihat bangsaku dijajah,tidak ada yang lebih menyedihkan, dari membiarkan bangsaku dipijak...
Aku lihat layu dalam melayu
aku pasti bukan aku sorang saja yang nampak
ada juga yang bercadang bertanya tuan punya
tapi bercampur risau dengan tak tergamak
nanti dikata tidak bersyukur, dikata tak sedar diri
jadi aku menyendiri, memerhati
dan akhirnya mengakui
yang kita sendiri
membiarkan bunga raya melayu ke kanan
dan dibiarkan bunga tak cantik
Aku lihat layu dalam melayu
tanah air kita yang punya
kita siram, kita baja
tapi angin api kita lupa
mereka merancang masa menjilat bangsa
13 harimau bertukar menjadi mangsa
kita lupanenek moyang kaya raya
jangan sekali-kali digadai harta benda
ku lihat layu dalam melayu
ku lihat layu dalam melayu
ku lihat layu dalam melayu
takkan melayu hilang di dunia
Ya, tapi apa guna tak hilang di dunia
kalau kewujudan tidak dirasa
petah berbahasa kugiran tak berjasa
orang berbudi kita hanya tahu merasa
selalu laru bila dirapat
selalu malu bila soalan diaju
selalu segan memberi pendapat
rela mengikut dari meneraju
belum menyanyi sudah bersorak
suka berjanji dalam borak
bukan kata takda otak
cuma tak berfikir di luar kotak
ku lihat layu dalam melayu
ku lihat layu dalam melayu
ku lihat layu dalam melayu
aku jadi sayu
bunga menangis dia mendayu
mahu jadi cantikaku merayu
bangunlah semula hidup kembali
jangan tunggu matahari mati
cepatlah mekar sebelum terlerai
perjuangan kita belum selesai
perjuangan kita belum selesai
perjuangan kita belum selesai
Dr.M:Perjuangan kita belum selesai kerana hanya yang cekal dan tabah saja dapat membina mercu tanda bangsanya yang berjaya
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Takkan Melayu Hilang di Dunia
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Bandar Lama Yang Best
Salam Alaik...
Semalam aku pergi membaiki kereta di kedai aksesoi kereta Abdullah... Dalam menunggu pomen tue membaiki kereta aku, aku berjalan-jalan la di sekitar kawasan tue...
Tengah jalan-jalan, aku berhenti di sebelah kedai buku Dian, lalu ternampak satu signboard pejabat... kat situ tertera dua nama yang sangat aku kenal... #@**@* Jusoh Sdn. BHd. dan *@#!*!* Builder Sdn. BHd... Aik, macam kenal...
Setelah berfikir, barulah aku sedar, kecik je dunia nie...
Semalam aku pergi membaiki kereta di kedai aksesoi kereta Abdullah... Dalam menunggu pomen tue membaiki kereta aku, aku berjalan-jalan la di sekitar kawasan tue...
Tengah jalan-jalan, aku berhenti di sebelah kedai buku Dian, lalu ternampak satu signboard pejabat... kat situ tertera dua nama yang sangat aku kenal... #@**@* Jusoh Sdn. BHd. dan *@#!*!* Builder Sdn. BHd... Aik, macam kenal...
Setelah berfikir, barulah aku sedar, kecik je dunia nie...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Aku dan Kemerdekaan
Salam Alaik…
Aku sudah sampai ke tanah tumpah darah aku di Jerantut… Aku kini sudah berada di tempat aku, tempat kesayangan aku… Sebenarnya sudah lama aku di sini tetapi kekangan masa dan logistik menyebabkan aku tidak berpeluang untuk menghamburkan carutan dalam blog aku…
Aku sampai ke Jerantut hari sabtu lepas, kurang lebih pukul 12.30 tengah hari… Tetapi, aku hanya berada di rumah selama sejam sebelum aku berangkat ke Kuala Terengganu untuk menghantar akak aku ke IPBR, KT…
Di KT, aku hanya melepak menenangkan diri di hadapan pantai di sana… Seronok melihat pantai, sangat menenangkan… Dah lama aku tak mandi di laut, tetapi memangdangkan ketika itu Monsun Timur Laut sedang berlaku, maka aku batalakan saje hajat untuk mandi kerana ombak ketika itu tak mengenal aku…
Di KT juga aku pergi melawat Taman Tamadun Islam, yang mengandungi 21 replika dan monumen masjid di seluruh dunia... Sempat jugak la aku mengambil gambar kenang-kenangan... Petang tue, aku pergi ke Stesen Bas KT untuk membeli belah, dan aku sangat tertarik dengan satu jersi United warna biru... Maka, tanpa berlengah lagi, aku terus membelinya... Haha... Lagipun United baru menang 5-0 dengan Stoke City...
Hari Isnin, aku bertolak pulang ke rumah… Aku ditugaskan menggantikan posisi akak aku sebagai driver bermula dari Kuantan sampai ke Jengka 8… Memang penat mata aku sebab kena drive malam… Sampai rumah pukul 8 malam… Agak lambat la…
Semalam, aku keluar mencari selipar baru setelah sandal aku putus semasa berjalan di pantai… Siot betul… Tapi takpe, takkan nak harap sandal tue selama-lamanya dengan aku kot? Haha...
Cuti yang masih panjang nie, aku masih tidak mempunyai idea yang konkrit... Ye la, rakan seperjuangan masih berada di Universiti... Aku dan beberapa kerat yang lain je sudah habis...
Cerita pasal SSABSA, aku taknak kate ape-ape... Secara umum, aku jawab OK... Takde masalah yang sangat besar timbul... Sikit-sikit tue ada la... Result akan keluar 18 Disember... Sangat cepat jika nak dibandingkan dengan sistem pendidikan Malaysia...
Cuti yang masih oanjang nie aku nak isi dengan ketenangan dan relax... Aku taknak fikir banyak-banyak... Kalau ada yang cuba menyerabutkan otak aku, aku dah tolak tepi... Malas sebab penat menjadi rajin ketika di Shah Alam...
Cukup la dulu setakat nie... Aku nak fokus untuk menulis sambungan ‘Hikayat Pengembaraan FINARE’... haha...
p/s: Aku tak lepak atas atap lagi selama 2 malam kat umah... Mungkin malam nie, aku akan lepak atas tue... Mencari ketenangan seketika...
Aku sudah sampai ke tanah tumpah darah aku di Jerantut… Aku kini sudah berada di tempat aku, tempat kesayangan aku… Sebenarnya sudah lama aku di sini tetapi kekangan masa dan logistik menyebabkan aku tidak berpeluang untuk menghamburkan carutan dalam blog aku…
Aku sampai ke Jerantut hari sabtu lepas, kurang lebih pukul 12.30 tengah hari… Tetapi, aku hanya berada di rumah selama sejam sebelum aku berangkat ke Kuala Terengganu untuk menghantar akak aku ke IPBR, KT…
Di KT, aku hanya melepak menenangkan diri di hadapan pantai di sana… Seronok melihat pantai, sangat menenangkan… Dah lama aku tak mandi di laut, tetapi memangdangkan ketika itu Monsun Timur Laut sedang berlaku, maka aku batalakan saje hajat untuk mandi kerana ombak ketika itu tak mengenal aku…
Di KT juga aku pergi melawat Taman Tamadun Islam, yang mengandungi 21 replika dan monumen masjid di seluruh dunia... Sempat jugak la aku mengambil gambar kenang-kenangan... Petang tue, aku pergi ke Stesen Bas KT untuk membeli belah, dan aku sangat tertarik dengan satu jersi United warna biru... Maka, tanpa berlengah lagi, aku terus membelinya... Haha... Lagipun United baru menang 5-0 dengan Stoke City...
Hari Isnin, aku bertolak pulang ke rumah… Aku ditugaskan menggantikan posisi akak aku sebagai driver bermula dari Kuantan sampai ke Jengka 8… Memang penat mata aku sebab kena drive malam… Sampai rumah pukul 8 malam… Agak lambat la…
Semalam, aku keluar mencari selipar baru setelah sandal aku putus semasa berjalan di pantai… Siot betul… Tapi takpe, takkan nak harap sandal tue selama-lamanya dengan aku kot? Haha...
Cuti yang masih panjang nie, aku masih tidak mempunyai idea yang konkrit... Ye la, rakan seperjuangan masih berada di Universiti... Aku dan beberapa kerat yang lain je sudah habis...
Cerita pasal SSABSA, aku taknak kate ape-ape... Secara umum, aku jawab OK... Takde masalah yang sangat besar timbul... Sikit-sikit tue ada la... Result akan keluar 18 Disember... Sangat cepat jika nak dibandingkan dengan sistem pendidikan Malaysia...
Cuti yang masih oanjang nie aku nak isi dengan ketenangan dan relax... Aku taknak fikir banyak-banyak... Kalau ada yang cuba menyerabutkan otak aku, aku dah tolak tepi... Malas sebab penat menjadi rajin ketika di Shah Alam...
Cukup la dulu setakat nie... Aku nak fokus untuk menulis sambungan ‘Hikayat Pengembaraan FINARE’... haha...
p/s: Aku tak lepak atas atap lagi selama 2 malam kat umah... Mungkin malam nie, aku akan lepak atas tue... Mencari ketenangan seketika...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Kebebasan Itu Hanyalah Nikmat Dunia Yang Sementara
Salam Alaik...
Tepat jam 1450 tadi, maka dengan rasminya aku telah menamatkan exam SACE Board of SA, atau SSABSA... Kertas Chemistry tadi walaupun tidaklah senang tapi kehadirannya tatkala pengakhiran menjadikan aku antara pelajar yang sehabis gembira di sini pada ketika itu...
Perasaan aku terasa seperti ingin melompat, tetapi memandangkan ada 200 pasang mata yang melihat aku kalau aku melompat, aku batalkan sahaja keinginan aku tue...
Malam nie, aku ingin enjoy... Aku ingin main futsal dan merembat 42 gol dan menjadikan aku lagenda (ini sebenarnya hanyalah mitos sematamata)... Aku juga ingin menjadi anjing dan bermain frisbee... haha... Seronok sungguh... Terlalu banyak aku nak buat sampai tak tau nak buat ape dah...
Aku tak tau macam mana nak gambarkan keseronokan aku ketika ini... Aku tak boleh nak tunjuk muka gembira aku ketika ini... Huh... Memang seronok la... Korang kalau boleh bayang betapa seronoknya aku ketika ini, memang pandai berimaginisasi...
Aku sangat hepi...
Ini hanya untuk sementara...
"Perjuangan kita masih belum selesai, kerana hanya yang tabah dan cekal sahaja mampu membina mercu bangsa yang berjaya"- Baca skill Che Det...
Aku masih ada perjuangan...
Aku masih ada pengorbanan...
Aku masih pelajar...
Aku masih hamba Allah...
Aku masih hidup,
dan hidup itu perjuangan
Perjuangan perlu dilalui dengan serius
Tiada main-main dalam serius
Tetapi sentiasa ada gembira dalam perjuangan....
Member aku!!!
nantikan kemunculan aku di Jerantut,
15 November 2008...
Tepat jam 1450 tadi, maka dengan rasminya aku telah menamatkan exam SACE Board of SA, atau SSABSA... Kertas Chemistry tadi walaupun tidaklah senang tapi kehadirannya tatkala pengakhiran menjadikan aku antara pelajar yang sehabis gembira di sini pada ketika itu...
Perasaan aku terasa seperti ingin melompat, tetapi memandangkan ada 200 pasang mata yang melihat aku kalau aku melompat, aku batalkan sahaja keinginan aku tue...
Malam nie, aku ingin enjoy... Aku ingin main futsal dan merembat 42 gol dan menjadikan aku lagenda (ini sebenarnya hanyalah mitos sematamata)... Aku juga ingin menjadi anjing dan bermain frisbee... haha... Seronok sungguh... Terlalu banyak aku nak buat sampai tak tau nak buat ape dah...
Aku tak tau macam mana nak gambarkan keseronokan aku ketika ini... Aku tak boleh nak tunjuk muka gembira aku ketika ini... Huh... Memang seronok la... Korang kalau boleh bayang betapa seronoknya aku ketika ini, memang pandai berimaginisasi...
Aku sangat hepi...
Ini hanya untuk sementara...
"Perjuangan kita masih belum selesai, kerana hanya yang tabah dan cekal sahaja mampu membina mercu bangsa yang berjaya"- Baca skill Che Det...
Aku masih ada perjuangan...
Aku masih ada pengorbanan...
Aku masih pelajar...
Aku masih hamba Allah...
Aku masih hidup,
dan hidup itu perjuangan
Perjuangan perlu dilalui dengan serius
Tiada main-main dalam serius
Tetapi sentiasa ada gembira dalam perjuangan....
Member aku!!!
nantikan kemunculan aku di Jerantut,
15 November 2008...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Selepas Gelincir Mentari Aku Akan Bebas Sebentar Menikmati Hidup Ini
Salam Alaik...
Esok tinggal paper Chemy jer lagi...
Aku akan berjuang lagi, untuk kali terakhir dalam AUSMAT...
Program pasni, aku tak tau lagi,... Kerja kot...
Tapi tak tau katne...
Kalau keje kat Seven E, haram pulak, kena layan jual beli arak...
Kalau keje stesen minyak, takde kosong kot...
Sekarang kan dah layan diri...
Keje dgn Rahimin je la... Bleh Min?
Esok tinggal paper Chemy jer lagi...
Aku akan berjuang lagi, untuk kali terakhir dalam AUSMAT...
Program pasni, aku tak tau lagi,... Kerja kot...
Tapi tak tau katne...
Kalau keje kat Seven E, haram pulak, kena layan jual beli arak...
Kalau keje stesen minyak, takde kosong kot...
Sekarang kan dah layan diri...
Keje dgn Rahimin je la... Bleh Min?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Mari Belajar Loghat (slanga) Pahang (basic): Lirik Lagu Meling-meling
Mari Belajar Loghat (slanga) Pahang (basic): Meling-meling
Kala dulu, meliyng-meliyng
jenuh nogheh, dapatnye sekepiyng
Baghu jemor getoh sekerak tok dey keghiyng
Diambiyk oghang belanje fanfer hok dindeynye zeynk
Lewat le nie, cemoih koi ghase,
Ande suar jean baghu koi beli behnye jename
Kawe jemo tempat sekale,
Meliyng-meliyng ambiyk dek oghang jue de bande
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Kala dulu, meliyng-meliyng
buoh hati, oghang yang nyuntiyng
senalo meghebaih air mate tok keghiyng-keghiyng
jenoh beghubat mandi lima bebeseyn-beseyn
lewat le nie, cemoih koi ghase
ande makwe keknye ngintei kocek koi aje
meliyng-meliyng die pon pergi
koi takde 3k kondo, kete dan kad kredit
Sedey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Sedey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Kala dulu, meliyng-meliyng
Ande besiko, ghantei doh gentiyng
Ghate koi bawok ke daghat ke baghuh sampei ke tebiyng
Sudoh mandi koi naek ke daghat hok tinggeinye loceyng
Lewat le nie, cemoih koi ghase
Pulowh ghibu kawe peghabih beli keghete
Bagei gaye, bebunyi serey
Meliyng-meliyng ko sado-sado laptop koi liceyn
Kala dulu, meliyng-meliyng
Benege kedei modei tok musiyng
Nok orang datang meghubung ngelior ngeliling,
Keknye beghutang daghi gule sampei ke eskerim
Lewat le nie, cemoih koi ghase
Steseyn minyok kedei makan ladang kelape
Oghang laen gajie dah deme
Meliyng-meliyng habih dipunggohnye ghumoh kite
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Tak paham? Boleh tanye Dzul, Don Balon, Min, Fakhrul, dan lain-lain yang faham loghat Pahang... Kalau tak silap aku, lagu nie integrasi loghat dan slanga pelbagai daerah... Contoh :
Koi (aku)- Temerloh
Deme (korang/kau)- Jerantut/Temerloh
Kala (kalau)- Jerantut
Musiyng (pusing)- Pekan
Kawe (aku)- Triang / Bera
Sebenarnye aku tak tau beberapa patah perkataan yang ada dalam lagu nie… Dan aku tidak mempraktikkan sangat loghat Pahang disebabkan aku seorang budak bandar… Rugi sangat aku rasa… Yang mungkin lekat kat aku cuma ‘tempo’ percakapan jer…
Kata orang tua-tua tempo percakapan kat Pahang berasaskan tempo aliran sungai sesuatu tempat…Kalau orang di Tembeling yang sungainya deras, maka diorang akan cakap laju… Dan, kalau orang dekat Temerloh akan menjadi sedikit ‘leweh’ dan kalau kat Kuantan, memang leweh sangat…
Mungkin itu la sebab kalau loghat Jerantut nie selalu hilang sikit suku katanye cth : Hija(Hijau), Kala(kalau), maca(macam); temerloh cth: Kucey(kucing), zey(zink) dan loghat belah-belah Pekan berlebih pulak sebutannya cth: Kuciyng @ Kuciang (kucing)…
Sesetengah loghat daerah dah dipengaruhi oleh negeri-negeri yang berdekatan cth: Lipis (Kelantan), Kuantan (Terengganu), Bentong (KL / N. Sembilan) dsb (Sumber: Firmad 2008)… Dan kekadang setiap daerah tue macam-macam variasi loghat… Kalau kat Tembeling lain, kat tebing Tingi lain, Pulau Tawar lain….
p/s: Kalau salah tolong betulkan di kotak komen…
Mari Belajar Asas Loghat Pahang II
Kala dulu, meliyng-meliyng
jenuh nogheh, dapatnye sekepiyng
Baghu jemor getoh sekerak tok dey keghiyng
Diambiyk oghang belanje fanfer hok dindeynye zeynk
Lewat le nie, cemoih koi ghase,
Ande suar jean baghu koi beli behnye jename
Kawe jemo tempat sekale,
Meliyng-meliyng ambiyk dek oghang jue de bande
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Kala dulu, meliyng-meliyng
buoh hati, oghang yang nyuntiyng
senalo meghebaih air mate tok keghiyng-keghiyng
jenoh beghubat mandi lima bebeseyn-beseyn
lewat le nie, cemoih koi ghase
ande makwe keknye ngintei kocek koi aje
meliyng-meliyng die pon pergi
koi takde 3k kondo, kete dan kad kredit
Sedey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Sedey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Kala dulu, meliyng-meliyng
Ande besiko, ghantei doh gentiyng
Ghate koi bawok ke daghat ke baghuh sampei ke tebiyng
Sudoh mandi koi naek ke daghat hok tinggeinye loceyng
Lewat le nie, cemoih koi ghase
Pulowh ghibu kawe peghabih beli keghete
Bagei gaye, bebunyi serey
Meliyng-meliyng ko sado-sado laptop koi liceyn
Kala dulu, meliyng-meliyng
Benege kedei modei tok musiyng
Nok orang datang meghubung ngelior ngeliling,
Keknye beghutang daghi gule sampei ke eskerim
Lewat le nie, cemoih koi ghase
Steseyn minyok kedei makan ladang kelape
Oghang laen gajie dah deme
Meliyng-meliyng habih dipunggohnye ghumoh kite
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Ledey amat, meliyng-meliyng
Ai sedey sangat, meliyng-meliyng
Tak paham? Boleh tanye Dzul, Don Balon, Min, Fakhrul, dan lain-lain yang faham loghat Pahang... Kalau tak silap aku, lagu nie integrasi loghat dan slanga pelbagai daerah... Contoh :
Koi (aku)- Temerloh
Deme (korang/kau)- Jerantut/Temerloh
Kala (kalau)- Jerantut
Musiyng (pusing)- Pekan
Kawe (aku)- Triang / Bera
Sebenarnye aku tak tau beberapa patah perkataan yang ada dalam lagu nie… Dan aku tidak mempraktikkan sangat loghat Pahang disebabkan aku seorang budak bandar… Rugi sangat aku rasa… Yang mungkin lekat kat aku cuma ‘tempo’ percakapan jer…
Kata orang tua-tua tempo percakapan kat Pahang berasaskan tempo aliran sungai sesuatu tempat…Kalau orang di Tembeling yang sungainya deras, maka diorang akan cakap laju… Dan, kalau orang dekat Temerloh akan menjadi sedikit ‘leweh’ dan kalau kat Kuantan, memang leweh sangat…
Mungkin itu la sebab kalau loghat Jerantut nie selalu hilang sikit suku katanye cth : Hija(Hijau), Kala(kalau), maca(macam); temerloh cth: Kucey(kucing), zey(zink) dan loghat belah-belah Pekan berlebih pulak sebutannya cth: Kuciyng @ Kuciang (kucing)…
Sesetengah loghat daerah dah dipengaruhi oleh negeri-negeri yang berdekatan cth: Lipis (Kelantan), Kuantan (Terengganu), Bentong (KL / N. Sembilan) dsb (Sumber: Firmad 2008)… Dan kekadang setiap daerah tue macam-macam variasi loghat… Kalau kat Tembeling lain, kat tebing Tingi lain, Pulau Tawar lain….
p/s: Kalau salah tolong betulkan di kotak komen…
Mari Belajar Asas Loghat Pahang II
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Selalunya Gelap Malam Itu Indah, Tetapi Kekadang Ia Mengundang Padah
Salam Alaik...
Tiada ape yang dapat aku katakan hari ini selain daripada kekecewaan aku pada hari semalam... Dah la dari awal pagi sampai ke tengah malam internet down... Malam pulak United kalah dengan Arsengal... Mujurlah kalah 2-1... Kalau kalah 2-0 atau 3-0 lagi naya... Walau ape-ape pon kite kena bersyukur, kan?
Esok aku ada paper biology... Disebabkan United kalah, aku akan pastikan tak semua akan kalah... Aku akan menang dalam Bio esok... Walau ape-apepon yang terjadi, aku kena menang dengan Bio dan Chemy... Pedulikan ape orang nak kate...
Arsenal dengan Liverpool tue tak lame... Pegang cakap aku... Sekejap je... Tengok la bulan feb 2009, united da kat atas... tapi, kalau united main macam semalam lagi, Tahun depan la nak ambik piala pon... Huh...
Kepada sesape yang hantar mesej pastu aku tak balas, mintak maaf... Anda bukan keseorangan... Aku berada dalam moral yang sangat rendah sebab kepenatan dan pelbagai masalah lain...
Tiada ape yang dapat aku katakan hari ini selain daripada kekecewaan aku pada hari semalam... Dah la dari awal pagi sampai ke tengah malam internet down... Malam pulak United kalah dengan Arsengal... Mujurlah kalah 2-1... Kalau kalah 2-0 atau 3-0 lagi naya... Walau ape-ape pon kite kena bersyukur, kan?
Esok aku ada paper biology... Disebabkan United kalah, aku akan pastikan tak semua akan kalah... Aku akan menang dalam Bio esok... Walau ape-apepon yang terjadi, aku kena menang dengan Bio dan Chemy... Pedulikan ape orang nak kate...
Arsenal dengan Liverpool tue tak lame... Pegang cakap aku... Sekejap je... Tengok la bulan feb 2009, united da kat atas... tapi, kalau united main macam semalam lagi, Tahun depan la nak ambik piala pon... Huh...
Kepada sesape yang hantar mesej pastu aku tak balas, mintak maaf... Anda bukan keseorangan... Aku berada dalam moral yang sangat rendah sebab kepenatan dan pelbagai masalah lain...
Friday, November 7, 2008
Antibiotic: Is it safe for human cosumption?
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Since long time ago, there have been a lot of diseases which are caused by bacteria infections such as chronic bronchitis (Mensa & Trilla 2006, pp.42-54), meningitis, syphilis (Trounce 2000, pp. 204-219), and also infecting wounds (Hernandez 2006, pp.326-337). These infections can bring harm to humans. In order to treat these infections, some scientists and researchers have tried to find some chemical substances or drugs that can fight against the bacteria; hence, cure the infections. The drugs and chemical substances are now known as antibiotics (Gleckman & Czashor n.d.).
However, there is a growing concern in the possibility of this medication to generate severe toxicity, severe side effects and drug-drug interactions (Gleckman & Czashor, n.d.). Besides, in some cases, many bacteria are now resisting to certain antibiotics and that antibiotics may be ineffective to treat the infections thus, may danger the other patients (Walsh 2003). Gleckman and Czashor (n.d.) state that antibiotics are still prescribed to cure some bacteria infections although they have the possibility to develop down side effects. In addition, some parties believe that antibiotics are actually safe if the antibiotics are taken properly (Lampiris & Maddix 2003, p.854).
Thus, based on this issue, this research aims to investigate the safety of antibiotics for human consumption which leads to the question:
Antibiotic: Is it safe for human consumption?
The areas that will be examined are:
· Background of antibiotics
· Reasons to support antibiotic is safe
· Reasons to object antibiotic is safe
This research is based on secondary sources which are web articles, seminar paper, books, journals and dictionary.
1.1 Definition of antibiotic
Antibiotics, or also known as antibacterial or antimicrobial are molecules that stop bacteria or fungi from growing or even kill them outright (Walsh 2003). The A Z of Medicinal Drugs defines antibiotics as following:
Originally, natural products secreted by microorganisms that inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. The term is now commonly used … to denote any drug, natural or synthetic that has a selective toxic action on bacteria, protozoans, or other single-celled microorganisms. Antibiotics are not active against viruses. (Hawthorn 2005, pp. 42-43)
1.2 History of antibiotic
The first antibiotic was found by Sir Alexander Fleming, a Scottish Bacteriologist in 1928 at London. He had found the penicillin in luck after looked at a discarded dish in his sink, which contains penicillium of the genus chrysogenum, clears from the colonies of staphylococci, a type of bacteria that causes dangerous wound infections (Maurois 1959). The development of penicillin does not stop there until Norman G. Heatly found the way to produce and grow penicillin in large scale (Heatly 1990). There were many antibiotics found after the discovery of penicillin such as sulfa-drugs and streptomycin (Amyes 2001; Waksman 1954). After that, antibiotics evolved in the way it is developed. Nowadays, the overspreading of antibiotic lead to another problem: antibiotic-drug resistance (Walsh 2003; Bruce 2002).
1.3 Types of antibiotic
There are many types of antibiotic. Bacteriostatic-type of antibiotic prevents bacteria from growing while bactericidal-type of antibiotic kills bacteria. Broad-spectrum antibiotics kill many types of bacteria at once and narrow-spectrum antibiotic kill only a type of bacteria (Walsh 2003).
2.1 Safe if taken properly
Antibiotics can be safe if the antibiotic is taken properly. The medical practitioners should know that some particular conditions should be considered before antibiotics are prescribed to any patient. The diagnosis of diseases is very important to treat the patients using antibiotics.
Antibiotics are safe if the antibiotics are prescribed to the bacteria-infected patients. Besides that, prescribing right types of antibiotics to the right infected patients will prevent side effects. The physicians must consider correct dosage to the patients to avoid overuse of the antibiotics. Moreover, the physicians also need to prove the susceptibility of the antibiotics against the given bacteria by clinical trials. In additions, after the clinical trials have proven the exact bacteria, the physicians should consider the types of antibiotic that should be given for instance, narrow-spectrum antibiotics or broad-spectrum of antibiotics should be prescribed (Lampiris & Maddix 2003, p.854). Lampiris and Maddix (2003, p.854) are also stated that testing bacterial pathogens in vitro for their susceptibility to antibiotic agents are very vital in guaranteeing susceptibility. If possible, narrow-spectrum non-hazardous antibiotic drug should be used to avoid resistance and adverse side effects. In additions, faults in susceptibility testing are unusual, but the original outcome should be confirmed by retesting (Lampiris & Maddix 2003, p.854). It is proved that the selection of an antibiotic rests not only upon its spectrum but also upon its pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic attributes, antibiotic resistance and safety profile (Jog 2006: Davey & Nathwani 1997, p.150).
Some policies are set up to avoid antibiotics prescribing is disaster. Some policies to control the use of antibiotic have been developed to promote the safety use of antibiotic and to decrease the appearance of antibiotic-resistance strains (Trounce 2000, p.239). As stated by Trounce (2000), many local policies implement some general format such as a section which consist of a single member of each main group of antibiotics and can be prescribed without procedure and was held as ward stock; and the other as a preserve section containing the most newly developed antibiotics and are not regularly prescribed without the association with the infection control team and are not kept as ward stock. Trounce (2000, p. 239) also added that these policies require regular updating and reviewing to take account of new drugs and altering patterns of microbial activities.
2.2 Safe to treat certain diseases
A particular antibiotic are safe to treat a particular bacterial infection. These antibiotics are effective for some diseases and are less evident of resistance among bacteria. For instance, fluoroquinolone (FQ) category of antibiotics offers some benefits for clinicians when used as empirical treatment for respiratory tract infections (Mensa & Trilla 2006, pp.42-54). Mensa and Trilla also added that third generation FQ (levofloxacin, gatifloxacin and gemifloxacin) or fourth generation FQ (moxifloxacin and garenoxacin) antimicrobial spectrum of activity susceptible against the major bacteria (H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, and S. pneumoniae) and minor bacteria (C. pneumoniae and M. pneumoniae) that involved in acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis without any major side effects. FQ also can overcome β-lactam and penicillin-resistance bacteria problem in some areas in the world.
Besides that, some antibiotics produce less adverse side effects when treating some diseases. Medical News Today website (2004) states that rifaximin, that is used to prevent travelers’ diarrhea has less adverse side effects and low potential of resistance. It is also mentioned that rifaximin has previously been shown to be safe and effective for the treatment of travelers' diarrhea in clinical studies conducted in Mexico, Peru, India and Kenya and has been prescribed internationally since 1987 and has been approved in 17 countries worldwide ( 2004).
There are also certain antibiotics which are safe based on specific conditions. Trounce (2000, p. 240) states that trimethoprim can treat urinary infections caused by E. coli but must not be prescribed in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Gleckman and Czachor (n.d.) explain that β-lactam antibiotics unusually cause adverse drug-drug interactions side effects with some exception that will be stated in point no. 3.1. In addition, some penicillin such as broad-spectrum ampicillin that is effective to cure many types of bacteria such as salmonellae, E. coli, shigellae and H. influenzae (Trounce 2000, p.225).
3.1 Causes side effects
Antibiotic is commonly related to several side effects. This medication has a potential to produce toxicity. A recent study by Richard A. Gleckman and John S. Czashor (n.d.) reveals that drug-related toxicity from antibiotic was one of the most frequent causes of death for hospitalized patients. There are a lot of side effects such as drug-drug interactions, hypersensitivity reactions, and adverse effects to renal insufficiency patients, elderly patients, and pregnant women. Some of these effects are severe and the others are common (Gleckman & Czashor n.d.).
First side effect is drug-drug interactions. Drug-drug interactions occur when some particular antibiotic is taken in the presence of some drugs. For instance, Gleckman and Czashor (n.d.) claim in their seminar paper that nafcillin has caused warfarin resistance and subtherapeutic cyclosporine concentrations; the frequency of rash is amplified when ampicillin is administered to patients receiving allopurinol; the absorption of ß-blockers is reduced when patients be given amoxicillin or ampicillin; and mezlocillin extends methotrexate blood concentrations. For patients who are administered cefoperazone, disulfiram-like reactions are a concern if alcohol consumption happens. When selecting a macrolide for the treatment of a bacterial respiratory tract infection, one factor that would persuade selection is the fact that in contrast with erythromycin and clarithromycin, the azilide azithromycin and dirithromycin, according to limited observations, do not appear to exert adverse drug-drug interactions when administered to patients who are receiving certain drugs such as carbamazepine, valproate and ergotamine. These side effects are severe and are likely to occur if the patients do not inform the physicians the medicines or drugs that were prescribed earlier to the patient (Trounce 2000).
Besides the drug-drug interactions, antibiotics also kill good bacteria that help to produce vitamins and trigger hormones. Some of the bacteria that are killed by antibiotics are also vital in digesting human’s food. Because good bacteria are killed, the patients suffer diarrhea and thrush which are minor side effects (Sachs 2005). The other minor side effects are caused by commonly prescribed antibiotics are nausea and headache (Halliday & Morton 1990).
Thirdly, antibiotics cause severe side effects to particular patients who are suffering from diseases such as renal insufficiency, pregnant woman and elderly patients. Gleckman and Czashor (n.d.) explain patients with renal insufficiency are at risk to develop aminoglycoside-induced ototoxicity, neuromuscular blockade and respiratory depression, and further renal compromise. Some antibiotic such as erythromycin, when prescribed to patients with renal insufficiency, has been associated with reversible hearing loss. Seymor and Walton (1988, p. 43), in their book claim that if the patient with renal failure takes penicillin, the patient will suffer cerebral irritation and encephalopathy with convulsions.
Regarding the elderly patients, Gleckman and Czashor (n.d.) believe that when some antibiotics are prescribed to the elderly, there were some possibilities of antibiotic adverse effects. For instance, the age-related physiological decline in kidney function, mostly when exacerbated by the harmful renal effects of diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, and hypertension, substantially influences the excretion of numerous antibiotics. This predisposes elderly patients to a risk of antibiotic-induced toxicity, demanding careful drug selection, as well as clinical and laboratory monitoring. Elderly patients often have multiple chronic disorders and receive numerous medications and increase the risk of drug-drug interactions between antibiotics and the medications. The specific effects that the elderly may suffer include the following; nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, pseudomembranous colitis, blood dyscrasias and hyperkalemia, seizures, esophageal ulcers and structures, and acute liver injury.
Moreover the side effects for pregnant women who consume penicillin and some other kinds of antibiotics, there is no evidence of human fetal risk. To prevent any risk and possibility of side effect, the antibiotics such as quinolones, tetracyclines, and aminoglycosides should not be offered to pregnant patients unless there are no safe alternative or effective drugs to manage their infections. Some other antibiotics should not be prescribed to the pregnant women since it can increase the possibility for the development of hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus (Gleckman & Czashor n.d.).
3.2 Leads to the emergence of antibiotic-resistance bacteria
The consumption of antibiotic also leads to the emergence of antibiotic-resistance bacteria. Since antibiotics are widely used and prescribed, there is many recent studies concern about antibiotic resistance and American Society of Microbiology has concerned about the emergence of antibiotic resistance among bacteria since 1995 (Barker 1999, pp. 109-124). Antibiotic drug resistance occurs when the germ or bacteria in the body develops resistance factors in their gene thus become resistant to the antibiotic (Bruce 2002, p.32; Crierie & Greig 2005, pp.213-214). Barker (1999) claims that antibiotic resistance can have major impact on the treatment of infected patients. It is reported that many are worried about the emergence of this problem and questioning whether antibiotic can help the patients when they need it ( 2006).
This problem can seriously affect many patients silently. This occurs when a strain of micro-organism e.g. bacteria is exposed to a particular antibiotic frequently. If this particular antibiotic is present, the resistant forms of the bacteria will survive and grow and eventually they rise as the dominant population (Halliday & Morton 1990, pp. xviii-xxi). Halliday and Morton (1990, pp. xviii-xxi) also write that the antibiotic-resistance bacteria will inactivate the antibiotic by altering the chemical structure of the antibiotic. Besides, these antibiotic-resistance bacteria, also known as superbugs, can pump out antibiotic from its target area as soon as the antibiotic is present. Both methods prevent antibiotic to kill the bacteria; hence, the diseases will not be cured.
The emergence of antibiotic-resistance bacteria has now turned into a worldwide problem which includes many groups of bacteria (Trounce 2000, p.238). This problem restricts the usefulness of many previously effective antibiotics (Halliday & Morton 1990, pp. xviii-xxi). For instance, Barker (1999, pp. 109-124) emphasizes that Streptococcus pneumoniae which causes pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media and bacteraemia, has been susceptible to penicillin for 50 years before low level resistance appeared in 1967 in Australia and high level resistance appeared in South Africa 10 years later. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is treated by prescribing isoniazid, rifamicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol before the resistance appears after the introduction of antituberculosis therapy. This problem increases the possibility of treatment failure and relapse. Every year, the percentage of antibiotic resistance among particular bacteria increases (Barker 1999, pp. 109-124).
The increase of antibiotic resistance among the bacteria occurs because antibiotics are prescribed widely. The consumption of antibiotic without any diagnosis or without physicians’ advice can lead to this problem. Hence, with the emergence of these drug resistance bacteria, some of the diseases or infections cannot be treated and this may lead to another major problem since the bacteria cannot be killed at all.
In short, antibiotics are safe if used properly with certain conditions. Besides, antibiotics are safe if the correct antibiotics are used against correct bacterial infections. The opponents of antibiotic claim that antibiotic is not safe because it bring side effects to the patients and it also contributes to the emergence of antibiotic drug-resistance bacteria. But, these negative effects only occur if antibiotics are prescribed wrongly. In addition, if the antibiotics are prescribed properly, most of the side effect cases are only minor side effects.
As the conclusion, it is believed that antibiotics have significant importance in treating bacterial infections despite the side effects that may be occurred since it is the only way to kill and stop the bacteria. Thus, it can be concluded that antibiotic is safe for human consumptions.
(2361 words)
Reference List
1.Amyes, SGB 2001, Magic bullet, lost horizons: the rise and fall of antibiotics, Taylor & Francis, London.
2. Barker, KF 1999, ‘Antibiotic resistance: a current perspective’, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol. 48, pp. 109-124, viewed 17 February 2008
3. Bruce, DF 2002, ‘Protect your family from antibiotic resistance’, Vibrant Life, vol. November/December 2002, pp. 32-37.
4. Crierie, A & Greig, D 2005, Biology key ideas, Greg Eather, Adelaide.
5. Data show investigational antibiotic rifaximin safe, effective in preventing travelers diarrhea, 2004, viewed 28 February 2008
6. Davey, PG & Nathwani, D 1997, Antibiotic policies, in F. O’Grady et. al. eds., Antibiotic and chemotherapy, 7th edn, Churchill Livingstone, New York, Ch. 12.
7. Gleckman, RA & Czaschor, JS n.d., Antibiotic Side Effects, viewed 15 February 2008,
8. Halliday, J & Morton, I 1990, Antibiotics, London King's College, London.
9. Hawthorn, J 2005, The A Z of medicinal drugs, Grange Books, Kent.
10. Heatley, NG 1990, Penicillin and luck, in CL. Moberg & ZA. Cohn eds., Launching the antibiotic era: personal accounts of the discovery and use of first antibiotics, The Rockefeller University Press, New York.
11. Hernandez, R 2006, ‘The use of systemic antibiotics in the treatment of chronic wounds’, Dermatologic Therapy, vol. 19, pp. 326-337.
12. Jog, P 2006, Rational antibiotic therapy-guidelines, viewed 16 June 2008,
13. Lambert, HP & O’Grady, F 1997, General principles of chemotherapy, in F. O’Grady et. al. eds., Antibiotic and chemotherapy, 7th edn, Churchill Livingstone, New York, Ch. 9.
14. Lampiris, WH & Maddix, DS 2003, Clinical use of antimicrobial agents, in RG. Finch et. al. eds., Antibiotic and chemotherapy, 8th edn, Churchill Livingstone, New York, Ch. 51.
15. Maurois, A 1959, The life of sir Alexander Fleming, Georges Bouchardt Inc., New York.
16. Mensa, J & Trilla, A 2006, ‘Should patient with acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis be treated with antibiotics? Advantages of the use of fluoroquinolones’, Clinical Microbiology and Infection, vol. 12, pp. 42-54, viewed 17 February 2008
17. Sachs, JS 2005, Are antibiotic killing us?, viewed 18 February 2008
18. Seymor, RA & Walton, JG 1988, Adverse drug reactions in dentistry, Oxford Medical Publications, New York.
19. Trounce, J 2000, Clinical pharmacology for nurses, 16th edn., Churchill Livingstone, London.
20. Waksman, SA 1954, My life with the microbes, Simon & Schuster, New York.
21. Walsh, C 2003, Antibiotics: actions, origins, resistance, ASM Press, Washington DC.
This is my investigative study assignment for ESL Studies... You may take it as a guide to complete your research paper but plagiarism is stritchly prohibited... Any reference to this study must be credited to M. Redzwan Abdullah 2008, Antibiotic: Is it safe for human consumption, viewed [date], at
Since long time ago, there have been a lot of diseases which are caused by bacteria infections such as chronic bronchitis (Mensa & Trilla 2006, pp.42-54), meningitis, syphilis (Trounce 2000, pp. 204-219), and also infecting wounds (Hernandez 2006, pp.326-337). These infections can bring harm to humans. In order to treat these infections, some scientists and researchers have tried to find some chemical substances or drugs that can fight against the bacteria; hence, cure the infections. The drugs and chemical substances are now known as antibiotics (Gleckman & Czashor n.d.).
However, there is a growing concern in the possibility of this medication to generate severe toxicity, severe side effects and drug-drug interactions (Gleckman & Czashor, n.d.). Besides, in some cases, many bacteria are now resisting to certain antibiotics and that antibiotics may be ineffective to treat the infections thus, may danger the other patients (Walsh 2003). Gleckman and Czashor (n.d.) state that antibiotics are still prescribed to cure some bacteria infections although they have the possibility to develop down side effects. In addition, some parties believe that antibiotics are actually safe if the antibiotics are taken properly (Lampiris & Maddix 2003, p.854).
Thus, based on this issue, this research aims to investigate the safety of antibiotics for human consumption which leads to the question:
Antibiotic: Is it safe for human consumption?
The areas that will be examined are:
· Background of antibiotics
· Reasons to support antibiotic is safe
· Reasons to object antibiotic is safe
This research is based on secondary sources which are web articles, seminar paper, books, journals and dictionary.
1.1 Definition of antibiotic
Antibiotics, or also known as antibacterial or antimicrobial are molecules that stop bacteria or fungi from growing or even kill them outright (Walsh 2003). The A Z of Medicinal Drugs defines antibiotics as following:
Originally, natural products secreted by microorganisms that inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. The term is now commonly used … to denote any drug, natural or synthetic that has a selective toxic action on bacteria, protozoans, or other single-celled microorganisms. Antibiotics are not active against viruses. (Hawthorn 2005, pp. 42-43)
1.2 History of antibiotic
The first antibiotic was found by Sir Alexander Fleming, a Scottish Bacteriologist in 1928 at London. He had found the penicillin in luck after looked at a discarded dish in his sink, which contains penicillium of the genus chrysogenum, clears from the colonies of staphylococci, a type of bacteria that causes dangerous wound infections (Maurois 1959). The development of penicillin does not stop there until Norman G. Heatly found the way to produce and grow penicillin in large scale (Heatly 1990). There were many antibiotics found after the discovery of penicillin such as sulfa-drugs and streptomycin (Amyes 2001; Waksman 1954). After that, antibiotics evolved in the way it is developed. Nowadays, the overspreading of antibiotic lead to another problem: antibiotic-drug resistance (Walsh 2003; Bruce 2002).
1.3 Types of antibiotic
There are many types of antibiotic. Bacteriostatic-type of antibiotic prevents bacteria from growing while bactericidal-type of antibiotic kills bacteria. Broad-spectrum antibiotics kill many types of bacteria at once and narrow-spectrum antibiotic kill only a type of bacteria (Walsh 2003).
2.1 Safe if taken properly
Antibiotics can be safe if the antibiotic is taken properly. The medical practitioners should know that some particular conditions should be considered before antibiotics are prescribed to any patient. The diagnosis of diseases is very important to treat the patients using antibiotics.
Antibiotics are safe if the antibiotics are prescribed to the bacteria-infected patients. Besides that, prescribing right types of antibiotics to the right infected patients will prevent side effects. The physicians must consider correct dosage to the patients to avoid overuse of the antibiotics. Moreover, the physicians also need to prove the susceptibility of the antibiotics against the given bacteria by clinical trials. In additions, after the clinical trials have proven the exact bacteria, the physicians should consider the types of antibiotic that should be given for instance, narrow-spectrum antibiotics or broad-spectrum of antibiotics should be prescribed (Lampiris & Maddix 2003, p.854). Lampiris and Maddix (2003, p.854) are also stated that testing bacterial pathogens in vitro for their susceptibility to antibiotic agents are very vital in guaranteeing susceptibility. If possible, narrow-spectrum non-hazardous antibiotic drug should be used to avoid resistance and adverse side effects. In additions, faults in susceptibility testing are unusual, but the original outcome should be confirmed by retesting (Lampiris & Maddix 2003, p.854). It is proved that the selection of an antibiotic rests not only upon its spectrum but also upon its pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic attributes, antibiotic resistance and safety profile (Jog 2006: Davey & Nathwani 1997, p.150).
Some policies are set up to avoid antibiotics prescribing is disaster. Some policies to control the use of antibiotic have been developed to promote the safety use of antibiotic and to decrease the appearance of antibiotic-resistance strains (Trounce 2000, p.239). As stated by Trounce (2000), many local policies implement some general format such as a section which consist of a single member of each main group of antibiotics and can be prescribed without procedure and was held as ward stock; and the other as a preserve section containing the most newly developed antibiotics and are not regularly prescribed without the association with the infection control team and are not kept as ward stock. Trounce (2000, p. 239) also added that these policies require regular updating and reviewing to take account of new drugs and altering patterns of microbial activities.
2.2 Safe to treat certain diseases
A particular antibiotic are safe to treat a particular bacterial infection. These antibiotics are effective for some diseases and are less evident of resistance among bacteria. For instance, fluoroquinolone (FQ) category of antibiotics offers some benefits for clinicians when used as empirical treatment for respiratory tract infections (Mensa & Trilla 2006, pp.42-54). Mensa and Trilla also added that third generation FQ (levofloxacin, gatifloxacin and gemifloxacin) or fourth generation FQ (moxifloxacin and garenoxacin) antimicrobial spectrum of activity susceptible against the major bacteria (H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, and S. pneumoniae) and minor bacteria (C. pneumoniae and M. pneumoniae) that involved in acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis without any major side effects. FQ also can overcome β-lactam and penicillin-resistance bacteria problem in some areas in the world.
Besides that, some antibiotics produce less adverse side effects when treating some diseases. Medical News Today website (2004) states that rifaximin, that is used to prevent travelers’ diarrhea has less adverse side effects and low potential of resistance. It is also mentioned that rifaximin has previously been shown to be safe and effective for the treatment of travelers' diarrhea in clinical studies conducted in Mexico, Peru, India and Kenya and has been prescribed internationally since 1987 and has been approved in 17 countries worldwide ( 2004).
There are also certain antibiotics which are safe based on specific conditions. Trounce (2000, p. 240) states that trimethoprim can treat urinary infections caused by E. coli but must not be prescribed in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Gleckman and Czachor (n.d.) explain that β-lactam antibiotics unusually cause adverse drug-drug interactions side effects with some exception that will be stated in point no. 3.1. In addition, some penicillin such as broad-spectrum ampicillin that is effective to cure many types of bacteria such as salmonellae, E. coli, shigellae and H. influenzae (Trounce 2000, p.225).
3.1 Causes side effects
Antibiotic is commonly related to several side effects. This medication has a potential to produce toxicity. A recent study by Richard A. Gleckman and John S. Czashor (n.d.) reveals that drug-related toxicity from antibiotic was one of the most frequent causes of death for hospitalized patients. There are a lot of side effects such as drug-drug interactions, hypersensitivity reactions, and adverse effects to renal insufficiency patients, elderly patients, and pregnant women. Some of these effects are severe and the others are common (Gleckman & Czashor n.d.).
First side effect is drug-drug interactions. Drug-drug interactions occur when some particular antibiotic is taken in the presence of some drugs. For instance, Gleckman and Czashor (n.d.) claim in their seminar paper that nafcillin has caused warfarin resistance and subtherapeutic cyclosporine concentrations; the frequency of rash is amplified when ampicillin is administered to patients receiving allopurinol; the absorption of ß-blockers is reduced when patients be given amoxicillin or ampicillin; and mezlocillin extends methotrexate blood concentrations. For patients who are administered cefoperazone, disulfiram-like reactions are a concern if alcohol consumption happens. When selecting a macrolide for the treatment of a bacterial respiratory tract infection, one factor that would persuade selection is the fact that in contrast with erythromycin and clarithromycin, the azilide azithromycin and dirithromycin, according to limited observations, do not appear to exert adverse drug-drug interactions when administered to patients who are receiving certain drugs such as carbamazepine, valproate and ergotamine. These side effects are severe and are likely to occur if the patients do not inform the physicians the medicines or drugs that were prescribed earlier to the patient (Trounce 2000).
Besides the drug-drug interactions, antibiotics also kill good bacteria that help to produce vitamins and trigger hormones. Some of the bacteria that are killed by antibiotics are also vital in digesting human’s food. Because good bacteria are killed, the patients suffer diarrhea and thrush which are minor side effects (Sachs 2005). The other minor side effects are caused by commonly prescribed antibiotics are nausea and headache (Halliday & Morton 1990).
Thirdly, antibiotics cause severe side effects to particular patients who are suffering from diseases such as renal insufficiency, pregnant woman and elderly patients. Gleckman and Czashor (n.d.) explain patients with renal insufficiency are at risk to develop aminoglycoside-induced ototoxicity, neuromuscular blockade and respiratory depression, and further renal compromise. Some antibiotic such as erythromycin, when prescribed to patients with renal insufficiency, has been associated with reversible hearing loss. Seymor and Walton (1988, p. 43), in their book claim that if the patient with renal failure takes penicillin, the patient will suffer cerebral irritation and encephalopathy with convulsions.
Regarding the elderly patients, Gleckman and Czashor (n.d.) believe that when some antibiotics are prescribed to the elderly, there were some possibilities of antibiotic adverse effects. For instance, the age-related physiological decline in kidney function, mostly when exacerbated by the harmful renal effects of diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, and hypertension, substantially influences the excretion of numerous antibiotics. This predisposes elderly patients to a risk of antibiotic-induced toxicity, demanding careful drug selection, as well as clinical and laboratory monitoring. Elderly patients often have multiple chronic disorders and receive numerous medications and increase the risk of drug-drug interactions between antibiotics and the medications. The specific effects that the elderly may suffer include the following; nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, pseudomembranous colitis, blood dyscrasias and hyperkalemia, seizures, esophageal ulcers and structures, and acute liver injury.
Moreover the side effects for pregnant women who consume penicillin and some other kinds of antibiotics, there is no evidence of human fetal risk. To prevent any risk and possibility of side effect, the antibiotics such as quinolones, tetracyclines, and aminoglycosides should not be offered to pregnant patients unless there are no safe alternative or effective drugs to manage their infections. Some other antibiotics should not be prescribed to the pregnant women since it can increase the possibility for the development of hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus (Gleckman & Czashor n.d.).
3.2 Leads to the emergence of antibiotic-resistance bacteria
The consumption of antibiotic also leads to the emergence of antibiotic-resistance bacteria. Since antibiotics are widely used and prescribed, there is many recent studies concern about antibiotic resistance and American Society of Microbiology has concerned about the emergence of antibiotic resistance among bacteria since 1995 (Barker 1999, pp. 109-124). Antibiotic drug resistance occurs when the germ or bacteria in the body develops resistance factors in their gene thus become resistant to the antibiotic (Bruce 2002, p.32; Crierie & Greig 2005, pp.213-214). Barker (1999) claims that antibiotic resistance can have major impact on the treatment of infected patients. It is reported that many are worried about the emergence of this problem and questioning whether antibiotic can help the patients when they need it ( 2006).
This problem can seriously affect many patients silently. This occurs when a strain of micro-organism e.g. bacteria is exposed to a particular antibiotic frequently. If this particular antibiotic is present, the resistant forms of the bacteria will survive and grow and eventually they rise as the dominant population (Halliday & Morton 1990, pp. xviii-xxi). Halliday and Morton (1990, pp. xviii-xxi) also write that the antibiotic-resistance bacteria will inactivate the antibiotic by altering the chemical structure of the antibiotic. Besides, these antibiotic-resistance bacteria, also known as superbugs, can pump out antibiotic from its target area as soon as the antibiotic is present. Both methods prevent antibiotic to kill the bacteria; hence, the diseases will not be cured.
The emergence of antibiotic-resistance bacteria has now turned into a worldwide problem which includes many groups of bacteria (Trounce 2000, p.238). This problem restricts the usefulness of many previously effective antibiotics (Halliday & Morton 1990, pp. xviii-xxi). For instance, Barker (1999, pp. 109-124) emphasizes that Streptococcus pneumoniae which causes pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media and bacteraemia, has been susceptible to penicillin for 50 years before low level resistance appeared in 1967 in Australia and high level resistance appeared in South Africa 10 years later. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is treated by prescribing isoniazid, rifamicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol before the resistance appears after the introduction of antituberculosis therapy. This problem increases the possibility of treatment failure and relapse. Every year, the percentage of antibiotic resistance among particular bacteria increases (Barker 1999, pp. 109-124).
The increase of antibiotic resistance among the bacteria occurs because antibiotics are prescribed widely. The consumption of antibiotic without any diagnosis or without physicians’ advice can lead to this problem. Hence, with the emergence of these drug resistance bacteria, some of the diseases or infections cannot be treated and this may lead to another major problem since the bacteria cannot be killed at all.
In short, antibiotics are safe if used properly with certain conditions. Besides, antibiotics are safe if the correct antibiotics are used against correct bacterial infections. The opponents of antibiotic claim that antibiotic is not safe because it bring side effects to the patients and it also contributes to the emergence of antibiotic drug-resistance bacteria. But, these negative effects only occur if antibiotics are prescribed wrongly. In addition, if the antibiotics are prescribed properly, most of the side effect cases are only minor side effects.
As the conclusion, it is believed that antibiotics have significant importance in treating bacterial infections despite the side effects that may be occurred since it is the only way to kill and stop the bacteria. Thus, it can be concluded that antibiotic is safe for human consumptions.
(2361 words)
Reference List
1.Amyes, SGB 2001, Magic bullet, lost horizons: the rise and fall of antibiotics, Taylor & Francis, London.
2. Barker, KF 1999, ‘Antibiotic resistance: a current perspective’, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol. 48, pp. 109-124, viewed 17 February 2008
3. Bruce, DF 2002, ‘Protect your family from antibiotic resistance’, Vibrant Life, vol. November/December 2002, pp. 32-37.
4. Crierie, A & Greig, D 2005, Biology key ideas, Greg Eather, Adelaide.
5. Data show investigational antibiotic rifaximin safe, effective in preventing travelers diarrhea, 2004, viewed 28 February 2008
6. Davey, PG & Nathwani, D 1997, Antibiotic policies, in F. O’Grady et. al. eds., Antibiotic and chemotherapy, 7th edn, Churchill Livingstone, New York, Ch. 12.
7. Gleckman, RA & Czaschor, JS n.d., Antibiotic Side Effects, viewed 15 February 2008,
8. Halliday, J & Morton, I 1990, Antibiotics, London King's College, London.
9. Hawthorn, J 2005, The A Z of medicinal drugs, Grange Books, Kent.
10. Heatley, NG 1990, Penicillin and luck, in CL. Moberg & ZA. Cohn eds., Launching the antibiotic era: personal accounts of the discovery and use of first antibiotics, The Rockefeller University Press, New York.
11. Hernandez, R 2006, ‘The use of systemic antibiotics in the treatment of chronic wounds’, Dermatologic Therapy, vol. 19, pp. 326-337.
12. Jog, P 2006, Rational antibiotic therapy-guidelines, viewed 16 June 2008,
13. Lambert, HP & O’Grady, F 1997, General principles of chemotherapy, in F. O’Grady et. al. eds., Antibiotic and chemotherapy, 7th edn, Churchill Livingstone, New York, Ch. 9.
14. Lampiris, WH & Maddix, DS 2003, Clinical use of antimicrobial agents, in RG. Finch et. al. eds., Antibiotic and chemotherapy, 8th edn, Churchill Livingstone, New York, Ch. 51.
15. Maurois, A 1959, The life of sir Alexander Fleming, Georges Bouchardt Inc., New York.
16. Mensa, J & Trilla, A 2006, ‘Should patient with acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis be treated with antibiotics? Advantages of the use of fluoroquinolones’, Clinical Microbiology and Infection, vol. 12, pp. 42-54, viewed 17 February 2008
17. Sachs, JS 2005, Are antibiotic killing us?, viewed 18 February 2008
18. Seymor, RA & Walton, JG 1988, Adverse drug reactions in dentistry, Oxford Medical Publications, New York.
19. Trounce, J 2000, Clinical pharmacology for nurses, 16th edn., Churchill Livingstone, London.
20. Waksman, SA 1954, My life with the microbes, Simon & Schuster, New York.
21. Walsh, C 2003, Antibiotics: actions, origins, resistance, ASM Press, Washington DC.
This is my investigative study assignment for ESL Studies... You may take it as a guide to complete your research paper but plagiarism is stritchly prohibited... Any reference to this study must be credited to M. Redzwan Abdullah 2008, Antibiotic: Is it safe for human consumption, viewed [date], at
Mr. Wan yang sangat baik hati...
Salam Alaik...
"Biology is around the corner... Just about 2 days to go... And you yourself is still relax, never think about it seriously... What actually happen to you, huh? Or is it your 'normal' habit? Waiting until last minute and then start study? WTF... This is SSABSA la... Not SPM, Duan (a.k.a Redz)... Your SPM era has been past for 2 years... That time you still can playing around because it is only SPM, yeah, it is only Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia... But now is SSABSA, or SACE Board of SA... You cant take this thing lightly..."
Luahan perasaan Mr. Wan kepada aku...
Mr. Wan nie seorang yang sangat-sangat baik... Die ni paham masalah aku, tapi susah nak bantu... Mr. Wan nie antara makhluk paling rapat dengan aku... Sape-sape sahaja yang baca blog nie memang tak kenal Mr. Wan nie... Die seorang yang low profile, rajin study, baik dan berhemah tinggi... Mr. Wan jarang tunjuk muke die kat public... Mr. Wan nie selalu muncul time aku tengah ada problem... Die yang selalu bagi nasihat dan tunjuk ajar... Die banyak bersabar dengan aku walau aku sering melupakan nasihat die...
Mr. Wan nie seorang yang sangat penyayang... Baru-baru nie aku ada masalah dengan seorang budak, Mr. Wan suruh aku setel cara baik... Suruh aku fikir perasaan die, tetapi aku tetap aku... Kejam, takde perasaan dan sebagainya... Mr. Wan nie same dengan aku... Tak pernah marah... Kalau aku buat masalah dengan die, memang die pendam jer... tapi die pandai cari cara luahkan perasaan die... Kalau aku, ada masalah besar, aku akan menambah kandungan nikotin... Mr. Wan juga merokok... Die kate nak berhenti... tapi aku tak bagi... haha... Sian Mr. Wan...
Dah la tue... Ape kes citer Mr. Wan pulak, kan? Ini bukan blog die, ini blog aku... Huahaha...
Sambung ke dunia yang nyata...
"Biology is around the corner... Just about 2 days to go... And you yourself is still relax, never think about it seriously... What actually happen to you, huh? Or is it your 'normal' habit? Waiting until last minute and then start study? WTF... This is SSABSA la... Not SPM, Duan (a.k.a Redz)... Your SPM era has been past for 2 years... That time you still can playing around because it is only SPM, yeah, it is only Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia... But now is SSABSA, or SACE Board of SA... You cant take this thing lightly..."
Luahan perasaan Mr. Wan kepada aku...
Mr. Wan nie seorang yang sangat-sangat baik... Die ni paham masalah aku, tapi susah nak bantu... Mr. Wan nie antara makhluk paling rapat dengan aku... Sape-sape sahaja yang baca blog nie memang tak kenal Mr. Wan nie... Die seorang yang low profile, rajin study, baik dan berhemah tinggi... Mr. Wan jarang tunjuk muke die kat public... Mr. Wan nie selalu muncul time aku tengah ada problem... Die yang selalu bagi nasihat dan tunjuk ajar... Die banyak bersabar dengan aku walau aku sering melupakan nasihat die...
Mr. Wan nie seorang yang sangat penyayang... Baru-baru nie aku ada masalah dengan seorang budak, Mr. Wan suruh aku setel cara baik... Suruh aku fikir perasaan die, tetapi aku tetap aku... Kejam, takde perasaan dan sebagainya... Mr. Wan nie same dengan aku... Tak pernah marah... Kalau aku buat masalah dengan die, memang die pendam jer... tapi die pandai cari cara luahkan perasaan die... Kalau aku, ada masalah besar, aku akan menambah kandungan nikotin... Mr. Wan juga merokok... Die kate nak berhenti... tapi aku tak bagi... haha... Sian Mr. Wan...
Dah la tue... Ape kes citer Mr. Wan pulak, kan? Ini bukan blog die, ini blog aku... Huahaha...
Sambung ke dunia yang nyata...

Esok United akan menentang Arsengal di Emirates... Aku cuma harap United dapat menang la... Bukannye ape, kalau United kalah, payah le nak kejar Chels#it... Liver(f)ool aku tak heran, sekejap je tue.. Kalau Rafa dah mula rotate pemain, tak menang la diorang... Esok jam 2045, aku akan berada di Awwal... Melayan bola... Mr. Wan pon join jugak... Die pon minat United jugak, tapi tal se'hardcore' aku...
p/s: Jangan sape-sape tanye sapekah itu Mr. Wan... Sebab die kate die taknak publisiti... haha...
bola sepak,
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Kala Mentari Petang Melepaskan Cahaya Suram, dan Perut Berkeroncong Merdu Menanti Waktu Makan
Salam Alaik...
"Aku sebenarnya ada 40 benda nak tulis dalam blog aku kali ini... Tetapi 25 dari 40 perkara tue kena buat kajian dan amat rumit sekali prosedurnya...5 dari 40 lagi, terlalu panjang... Lalu aku terpikir nak tulis tentang 10 perkara lagi tue... Tetapi, 10 perkara tue pulak hanyalah masalah... Takkan aku nak tulis tentang masalah pulak, kan? Tak best la tym2 exam nie mencarut pasal masalah..."
Pernyataan di atas merupakan satu masalah... Betul tak?
-Ish, ape yang aku mengarut nie?
-Eh, ko ok tak?
-Aku rasa tak ok la...
-aku sangat-sangat..........
-Aku tak tau nak cakap macam mana...
-Ala, cakap je la...
-Kau pun tahu aku macam mana, kan?
-Ye la, aku tau ko macam mana, tapi aku tak tau ape masalah ko sebenarnya
-Bagi tau la
-Ko pun tau aku nie jenis yang jarang bagitau masalah kat orang, kan?
-Memang la, tapi takkan ko taknak bagi tau aku? Aku kan antara yang paling rapat dengan ko.
-Memang ko paling rapat, tapi........
-Tapi ape lagi?
-Tapi ko takkan paham masalah aku nie
-Cube la ko cakap dulu ape masalahnye...
-Ko takkan paham
-Ko nak cakap dalam bahasa Tamil ke? Memang aku tak paham
-Aku serius la ngok!!
-Aku pon serius gak, bagi la tau ape hal nye?
-Ko pun tau aku seorang yang sangat aktif kan?
-Ok... Aku tau tue, So?
-sekarang aku ada masalah
-Ye la, aku tau ko ada masalah, cume ko je tak gitau lagi!!
-Takde la, masalah aku nie, lawak la...
-Ape yang lawaknye? Pasal exam? Awek? Member? Study?
-Habis tue?
-Aku boring
-Huk Aloh... Itu jer? Hahaha...
-Kan aku dah kate, ko mesti gelak punye sebab lawak
-Aku rasa ko ada masalah lain la...
-Mana ko tahu?
-Ye la, aku kan ko, ko kan aku... mestilah aku tau yang ko ada masalah lain
-Habis tue apehal ko tanye aku pulak padahal ko dah tau?
-Saje... Ko kan boring... kalau aku borak dengan ko, takde la boring sangat
-Huh... Licik betul... Takde pekdah borak dengan ko
-Ade, sekurang-kurangnye ada jugak benda ko nak tulis dalam blog, ye tak?
-Ye tak ye jugak... Ko pun nak tulis blog jugak, kan?
-Jom la...
p/s: Sape la yang terlibat dalam perbualan nie? Kesian... Tajuk yang panjang tue aku tiru skill Rahimin... haha...
"Aku sebenarnya ada 40 benda nak tulis dalam blog aku kali ini... Tetapi 25 dari 40 perkara tue kena buat kajian dan amat rumit sekali prosedurnya...5 dari 40 lagi, terlalu panjang... Lalu aku terpikir nak tulis tentang 10 perkara lagi tue... Tetapi, 10 perkara tue pulak hanyalah masalah... Takkan aku nak tulis tentang masalah pulak, kan? Tak best la tym2 exam nie mencarut pasal masalah..."
Pernyataan di atas merupakan satu masalah... Betul tak?
-Ish, ape yang aku mengarut nie?
-Eh, ko ok tak?
-Aku rasa tak ok la...
-aku sangat-sangat..........
-Aku tak tau nak cakap macam mana...
-Ala, cakap je la...
-Kau pun tahu aku macam mana, kan?
-Ye la, aku tau ko macam mana, tapi aku tak tau ape masalah ko sebenarnya
-Bagi tau la
-Ko pun tau aku nie jenis yang jarang bagitau masalah kat orang, kan?
-Memang la, tapi takkan ko taknak bagi tau aku? Aku kan antara yang paling rapat dengan ko.
-Memang ko paling rapat, tapi........
-Tapi ape lagi?
-Tapi ko takkan paham masalah aku nie
-Cube la ko cakap dulu ape masalahnye...
-Ko takkan paham
-Ko nak cakap dalam bahasa Tamil ke? Memang aku tak paham
-Aku serius la ngok!!
-Aku pon serius gak, bagi la tau ape hal nye?
-Ko pun tau aku seorang yang sangat aktif kan?
-Ok... Aku tau tue, So?
-sekarang aku ada masalah
-Ye la, aku tau ko ada masalah, cume ko je tak gitau lagi!!
-Takde la, masalah aku nie, lawak la...
-Ape yang lawaknye? Pasal exam? Awek? Member? Study?
-Habis tue?
-Aku boring
-Huk Aloh... Itu jer? Hahaha...
-Kan aku dah kate, ko mesti gelak punye sebab lawak
-Aku rasa ko ada masalah lain la...
-Mana ko tahu?
-Ye la, aku kan ko, ko kan aku... mestilah aku tau yang ko ada masalah lain
-Habis tue apehal ko tanye aku pulak padahal ko dah tau?
-Saje... Ko kan boring... kalau aku borak dengan ko, takde la boring sangat
-Huh... Licik betul... Takde pekdah borak dengan ko
-Ade, sekurang-kurangnye ada jugak benda ko nak tulis dalam blog, ye tak?
-Ye tak ye jugak... Ko pun nak tulis blog jugak, kan?
-Jom la...
p/s: Sape la yang terlibat dalam perbualan nie? Kesian... Tajuk yang panjang tue aku tiru skill Rahimin... haha...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Perintah dijunjung, En. Sultan!
Salam Alaik...
Beberapa hari lepas kepada hari esok aku ada membuka blog En.Sultan... Aku tak bece pon blog die tue... Aku bukak je... haha... Seyes, aku tak bace...Tapi kalo aku tak bace macam mane aku tau sape yang bace kena tag, kan?Haha... retorik betul aku nie... Memandangkan Sultan dah menghantar perintah, maka tidaklah aku menolak... Maka layanlah carutan aku ini... huahuahua...
Tag secara prosedurnye berbunyi macam nie:
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
2) Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this
Untuk meneruskan kesinambungan, aku dengan kuasa yang diberikan En.Sultan telah men'tag' makhluk berikut:
1. MieTo
2. Farah Azmi
3. Beddy
4. Anum
5. Ayam (Hakim)
6. Amin
7. Scott
8. Zul Katak
9. Budak2 INTEC yang bace blog nie dan ada blog
10. Semua peminat suka bola sepak khususnya Barclays Premier League (Arsenal, Liverpool, United, Hull, Chelsea dan sebagainya)...
Sebarang kegagalan menurut perintah akan dikenakan hukuman penjara tidak lebih 20 tahun dan 18.9 sebatan dan tidak kurang daripada penjara 10 minit dan sebat 0.7 kali...
Pertanyaan boleh diajukan di kotak komen...
terima Kasih
Beberapa hari lepas kepada hari esok aku ada membuka blog En.Sultan... Aku tak bece pon blog die tue... Aku bukak je... haha... Seyes, aku tak bace...Tapi kalo aku tak bace macam mane aku tau sape yang bace kena tag, kan?Haha... retorik betul aku nie... Memandangkan Sultan dah menghantar perintah, maka tidaklah aku menolak... Maka layanlah carutan aku ini... huahuahua...
Tag secara prosedurnye berbunyi macam nie:
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
2) Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this
Untuk meneruskan kesinambungan, aku dengan kuasa yang diberikan En.Sultan telah men'tag' makhluk berikut:
1. MieTo
2. Farah Azmi
3. Beddy
4. Anum
5. Ayam (Hakim)
6. Amin
7. Scott
8. Zul Katak
9. Budak2 INTEC yang bace blog nie dan ada blog
10. Semua peminat suka bola sepak khususnya Barclays Premier League (Arsenal, Liverpool, United, Hull, Chelsea dan sebagainya)...
Sebarang kegagalan menurut perintah akan dikenakan hukuman penjara tidak lebih 20 tahun dan 18.9 sebatan dan tidak kurang daripada penjara 10 minit dan sebat 0.7 kali...
Pertanyaan boleh diajukan di kotak komen...
terima Kasih
bola sepak,
sbpi temerloh
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Selangkah ke alam Ghaib
Salam Alaik...
Di keheningan malam, termenung ku berseorang, tak lena mata dipejam, terdengar suara terngiang...
Satu ungkapan yang indah... Membawa aku kembali berfikir tentang tragedi yang menimpa aku ketika aku mengambil ujian percubaan dahulu...
Ketika itu, masih segar di fikiranku, aku tak dapat tidur sehingga jam 5 pagi sedangkan aku mempunyai exam jam 7 pagi... Aku amat sedih apabila kejadian itu berlaku disebabkan suara itu... Aku amat bengang... tetapi jikalau aku mengahamburkan kebengangan aku, maka akau dalam golongan yang mengutuk ciptaan-Nya...
Kali ini, ketika aku bersiap-siaga menjalani exam final ini, aku masih diganggu dengan suara yang terngiang-ngiang itu... Suara yang amat menyeramkan... Makhluk yang sangat kejam... Menyebabkan aku tidak boleh tidur awal seperti perangcangan... Sudah dua kertas exam aku lalui, kedua-duanya aku menjawab dalam keadaan tidak fit disebabkan oleh aku diganggu makhluk itu...
Jika dahulu, ketika di SBPIT, aku sering ditindih oleh perasaan sehingga aku mencungap-cungap menggapai oksigen, kali ini makhluk ini pula yang mengikut aku... Rakan sebilik aku, Amir, tidak pula diganggu... hanya aku, ya, hanya aku diganggu... Tetapi kali ini aku masih bersyukur kerana walau diganggu aku masih dapat tidur setelah kira-kira sejam berguling-guling atas katil...
Malam ini, akan aku hapuskan engkau sehabis-habisnya... Akan aku lumatkan engkau sehingga kering segala darah-darah engkau... Aku akan bakar kau, aku akan gantung kau, aku akan pastikan kau dan suku sakat kau tidak lagi mengganggu aku... aku dah serik... Aku pastikan kau tidak lagi menghisap darah aku, nyamuk!!!
Di keheningan malam, termenung ku berseorang, tak lena mata dipejam, terdengar suara terngiang...
Satu ungkapan yang indah... Membawa aku kembali berfikir tentang tragedi yang menimpa aku ketika aku mengambil ujian percubaan dahulu...
Ketika itu, masih segar di fikiranku, aku tak dapat tidur sehingga jam 5 pagi sedangkan aku mempunyai exam jam 7 pagi... Aku amat sedih apabila kejadian itu berlaku disebabkan suara itu... Aku amat bengang... tetapi jikalau aku mengahamburkan kebengangan aku, maka akau dalam golongan yang mengutuk ciptaan-Nya...
Kali ini, ketika aku bersiap-siaga menjalani exam final ini, aku masih diganggu dengan suara yang terngiang-ngiang itu... Suara yang amat menyeramkan... Makhluk yang sangat kejam... Menyebabkan aku tidak boleh tidur awal seperti perangcangan... Sudah dua kertas exam aku lalui, kedua-duanya aku menjawab dalam keadaan tidak fit disebabkan oleh aku diganggu makhluk itu...
Jika dahulu, ketika di SBPIT, aku sering ditindih oleh perasaan sehingga aku mencungap-cungap menggapai oksigen, kali ini makhluk ini pula yang mengikut aku... Rakan sebilik aku, Amir, tidak pula diganggu... hanya aku, ya, hanya aku diganggu... Tetapi kali ini aku masih bersyukur kerana walau diganggu aku masih dapat tidur setelah kira-kira sejam berguling-guling atas katil...
Malam ini, akan aku hapuskan engkau sehabis-habisnya... Akan aku lumatkan engkau sehingga kering segala darah-darah engkau... Aku akan bakar kau, aku akan gantung kau, aku akan pastikan kau dan suku sakat kau tidak lagi mengganggu aku... aku dah serik... Aku pastikan kau tidak lagi menghisap darah aku, nyamuk!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
One More Please!!!
Salam Alaik...
Esok aku start exam... Dimulakan dengan kertas ESLS... Study? Hurm, nak study ape? Just kena banyak praktis je... Tapi, praktis-praktis pon, aku rase masih tak cukup... Aku memerlukan semangat tambahan... Bukan aku mengatakan aku tidak mempunyai semangat, tetapi aku memerlukan tambahan... I need more!!!
Apabila dekat nak exam nie, satu masalah timbul... Masalah yang sepatutnya aku telah lupakan sebulan yang lepas, ya, genap sebulan yang lepas... Masalah yang sepatutnya hilang dari pemikiran aku sejak raya kedua, 2 oktober 2008...
Biasanya, setiap masalah yang menimpa aku, aku dapat mengatasinya dalam masa 4 minit, tetapi masalahnye sekarang ini, masalah ini bukan menimpa aku, tetapi menimpa orang lain dan tiba-tiba berkaitan dengan aku... Aku bukan nak cakap ape, cuma aku amat benci kalau satu-satu masalah yang datang kepada seseorang itu tiba-tiba dikaitkan dengan aku... Sedangkan aku tidak menyebabkan masalah itu... Masalah itu dia yang cari sendiri... Setelah berkata-kata sampai tak terkata, aku menganggap masalah itu selesai (walaupun tak selesai, aku meletakkan dalam minda aku yang masalah itu dah selesai) sebab aku taknak aku masuk exam dengan keadaan yang dibelenggu masalah...
Terima kasih sangat-sangat kepada motivator peribadi aku yang tiba-tiba muncul sejak dua hari kebelakangan ini... Haha... Dia pon tak tahu yang aku lantik dia sebagai motivator aku... Tetapi dia memang seseorang yang amat bagus dalam memberi nasihat dan motivasi... Kata-kata dia sudah cukup memberitahu yang dia seorang yang amat care akan rakan-rakan sekelilingnya... Thankz sahabat... Semoga kamu juga perform dalam exam SSABSA kelak... Terima kasih sebab menaikkan semangat aku...One more please!!!
Dan tidak keterlaluan, aku juga amat berterima kasih kepada Sir Alex Ferguson dan team Man United sebab berjaya menang dengan Hull walaupun dikejar rapat... Kemenangan kamu memang menjadi salah satu punca semangat aku... Serius, kemenangan kamu semua membantu dalam membangkitkan semangat aku... Kekalahan Liverpool dan Arsenal pun ada membantu, tetapi tidak banyak... 8 November ni, tolonglah menang lagi untuk menaikkan semangat aku menjawab Bio dan Chemy... One more please!!!
Malam ini atau pagi esok, aku akan menghubungi keluarga aku untuk memohon restu sepertimana yang aku buat semasa SPM... Aku juga akan melawat rakan-rakanku untuk meminta maaf sebelum aku tidur awal malam nie... Kepada rakan-rakan bloggers, mintak maaf sekali lagi... Kepada rakan-rakan yang baca blog aku juga... Maafkan sekali lagi...
AKu juga tahu yang ada antara rakan-rakan aku di Universiti, Matriks dan Kolej serta budak-budak Sekolah akan menghadapi peperiksaan juga minggu ini... Jadi, aku ucapkan semoga berjaya dan jadikan exam ini lebih baik dari exam-exam sebelumnya...
Aku tidak akan menggantung penulisan blog aku walau dalam musim exam ini kerana antara sebab aku wujudkan blog ini ialah sebagai medium pelepasan stress (mungkin)... Apa-apa pun, good luck untuk semua yang ambil exam, good luck untuk yang bekerja, good luck untuk segala-galanya...
Esok aku start exam... Dimulakan dengan kertas ESLS... Study? Hurm, nak study ape? Just kena banyak praktis je... Tapi, praktis-praktis pon, aku rase masih tak cukup... Aku memerlukan semangat tambahan... Bukan aku mengatakan aku tidak mempunyai semangat, tetapi aku memerlukan tambahan... I need more!!!
Apabila dekat nak exam nie, satu masalah timbul... Masalah yang sepatutnya aku telah lupakan sebulan yang lepas, ya, genap sebulan yang lepas... Masalah yang sepatutnya hilang dari pemikiran aku sejak raya kedua, 2 oktober 2008...
Biasanya, setiap masalah yang menimpa aku, aku dapat mengatasinya dalam masa 4 minit, tetapi masalahnye sekarang ini, masalah ini bukan menimpa aku, tetapi menimpa orang lain dan tiba-tiba berkaitan dengan aku... Aku bukan nak cakap ape, cuma aku amat benci kalau satu-satu masalah yang datang kepada seseorang itu tiba-tiba dikaitkan dengan aku... Sedangkan aku tidak menyebabkan masalah itu... Masalah itu dia yang cari sendiri... Setelah berkata-kata sampai tak terkata, aku menganggap masalah itu selesai (walaupun tak selesai, aku meletakkan dalam minda aku yang masalah itu dah selesai) sebab aku taknak aku masuk exam dengan keadaan yang dibelenggu masalah...
Terima kasih sangat-sangat kepada motivator peribadi aku yang tiba-tiba muncul sejak dua hari kebelakangan ini... Haha... Dia pon tak tahu yang aku lantik dia sebagai motivator aku... Tetapi dia memang seseorang yang amat bagus dalam memberi nasihat dan motivasi... Kata-kata dia sudah cukup memberitahu yang dia seorang yang amat care akan rakan-rakan sekelilingnya... Thankz sahabat... Semoga kamu juga perform dalam exam SSABSA kelak... Terima kasih sebab menaikkan semangat aku...One more please!!!
Dan tidak keterlaluan, aku juga amat berterima kasih kepada Sir Alex Ferguson dan team Man United sebab berjaya menang dengan Hull walaupun dikejar rapat... Kemenangan kamu memang menjadi salah satu punca semangat aku... Serius, kemenangan kamu semua membantu dalam membangkitkan semangat aku... Kekalahan Liverpool dan Arsenal pun ada membantu, tetapi tidak banyak... 8 November ni, tolonglah menang lagi untuk menaikkan semangat aku menjawab Bio dan Chemy... One more please!!!
Malam ini atau pagi esok, aku akan menghubungi keluarga aku untuk memohon restu sepertimana yang aku buat semasa SPM... Aku juga akan melawat rakan-rakanku untuk meminta maaf sebelum aku tidur awal malam nie... Kepada rakan-rakan bloggers, mintak maaf sekali lagi... Kepada rakan-rakan yang baca blog aku juga... Maafkan sekali lagi...
AKu juga tahu yang ada antara rakan-rakan aku di Universiti, Matriks dan Kolej serta budak-budak Sekolah akan menghadapi peperiksaan juga minggu ini... Jadi, aku ucapkan semoga berjaya dan jadikan exam ini lebih baik dari exam-exam sebelumnya...
Aku tidak akan menggantung penulisan blog aku walau dalam musim exam ini kerana antara sebab aku wujudkan blog ini ialah sebagai medium pelepasan stress (mungkin)... Apa-apa pun, good luck untuk semua yang ambil exam, good luck untuk yang bekerja, good luck untuk segala-galanya...
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