Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Politics and Ghost

SAlam ALaik

Yeah... one great thing in Malaysia just occured... One man, who doesn't appear in Malaysia TV after 10 years, one man who is expelled from the government, one man once
time ago is a deputy prime minister appear in a debate with a man who is not special in Fuel, who is only 4 years in a parliment, a year in a cabinet, in a hot issue of the fuel price...
It is look like Anwar Ibrahim get the public attention with his brilliant arguments... It is return to the public, considering who is right and who is wrong... Hehe...
I feel stupid to write in english...

Haha..just trying to know how well I am writing in English...I don't mean to be a political researcher because I know that politic is suck... I mean malaysia's politic...
With a stupid plan and strategy to gun down the opposition, with a damn skills to attack government, then, the publics whose want a new dawn, get stuck with this situation...
The politicians are argue with each other and the publics and national matter was forgotten... Great! It shows how Malaysian politicians work..

Hey politicians, think again that you were voted by the citizen, so fulfill the job and think about Malaysia future...I hate to say that Politik itu hantu!!!
The future politicians should read this and think about their purpose of joining this field...

Stop bubbling!!! Who is laughng about my language, I am sorry... I just want to try to write in English...If there is any error(s), just leave a comment...
Or give me letterof complaint..Hehehe...

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